Hídrica: Episódios (Hydric: Episodes)

Hídrica: Episódios (Hydric: Episodes)

Exhibited in the solo exhibit “Lição de Coisas” (“Lesson on Things”), the installation HÍDRICA: EPISÓDIOS (HYDRIC: EPISODES, 2012) is composed up of wooden structures, water tanks, PVC pipes, hoses, bowls, laundry tubs, drinking fountains, toilet flushes and shower. The installation appropriates the water from the building (namely, the Pampulha Art Museum) by use of an “illegal” connection. A tank built on top of a wooden tower mounted on the mezzanine and in direct communication with the tower installed on the ground floor. This towers supplies the episodes located in the interior – a fountain, four tubs and two flushes – which are available to the audience. And outside the shower.

Building ndo n of the work HÍDRICA: EPISÓDIOS (HYDRIC: EPISODES) at the Pampulha Art Museum, in 2012, specifically the “ndo n” water connection used in the work.